Dec 7, 2019 | EBABZ (East Bay Alternative Book & Zine Fest) - Oakland, CA |
Nov 11, 2019 | Write Speak Code Meetup - San Francisco, CA |
Dec 8, 2018 | Let's Sketch Tech! - San Francisco, CA |
collective works

Lure Your Ideas Onto Paper: How To Make A Zine
A hands-on guided meditation/workshop on how to engagingly explain abstract/complex technical concepts, with tips for generating lots of ideas and creating memorable visuals. Optimized specially to embrace and unblock people who are afraid to draw!! Taught at Let's Sketch Tech 2018.

Enjoy receiving your facts from anthropomorphic produce over unsettling food-chain role-reversals in this afternoon zine collab that fell out of our brains after a fateful trip to one of our favourite institutions, the farmer's market.
by daiyi
tea-sippin alpine witch bashing computers, making nature journals, sketchnotes, and comic diaries \o/ previously a hitchhiking vagrant dirtbag, recently resettled in california (oakland!) and enjoying the local sun juice. fan of cold oceans, turkish coffee, farmer's markets, dark chocolate, and reducing complex systems into smiling blobs. will appreciate any doggo in the vicinity. twitter | website | instagram

Which Flour??
Have you ever found yourself frozen with decision paralysis in the bread store or baking aisle? This zine will explain the basics and go further into grain anatomy than you ever need to know. (Also, wheat is...A BERRY??)

Gifts for People who Hate Stuff but Deserve Love & Appreciation
A short visual guide for those who were raised to equate affection & reward with materialism, but must interface with someone who considers physical objects a curse.

You Can Make Almond Milk
Don't listen to Big Milk's propaganda, you CAN milk a nut just like an ordinary cow. With this comic recipe you will be serving up beverage anarchy from the comfort of your own home in no time.

Sketchjournals of Berlin
daiyi and her bicycle live in Berlin for a few seasons as she goes swimming in many lakes, writes a lot of clojure, and wobbles around committing to a future trajectory.

Sketchjournals of Scotland & Ireland
daiyi visits a good friend in Edinburough and learns about veterinary best practices, takes a train through desolate countryside, and walks a portion of the West Highland way in stunningly perfect and exceedingly rare good weather.

Squash Gouache
An journal of appreciation for daiyi's favourite gourds in gouache rendition and tips on how to eat them/recipes + personal taste notes \o/
Climbing Zines the series
daiyi gets excited about drawing knots and topos, the zine series \o/ Topics include: weird climber terminology/slang, types & styles of indoor & outdoor climbing, my favourite places to climb and a notes on their geography, how to read climbing topos, climbing knots!!
by rfong
an eldritch wordmancer and gremlin who once covered every kitchen cabinet in pictographic signage after being consumed by vinyl cutter power. derives incomparable satisfaction from handmaking A8 notebooks and overanalyzing craft techniques. weaknesses: bread, hilltops, cognitive deconstruction, and things that are the wrong size yet entirely functional. digital zine shop | instagram | patreon

Pocket Self-Care (Choose Your Own Adventure!)
Ever wish your totally sane, level-headed self could drag your depressed self back to vitality? Now you can reach through the mists of time and slap yourself upside the head with this pocket-sized fill-in-the-blank self-care manual, personalized specifically for you by you.
My most popular zine! Get a digital copy here.

Do The Thing: How To Do Anything
How to start doing something you're stuck on, brainstorm things to do, become more effective at doing something, or identify if you truly lack the resources to do something so you can put it on your mental backburner guilt-free. Works for anything. Really.

Nature Is Calling And I Must Go Poo
Pocket compendium of outdoors bathroom tips and tricks for wilderness late bloomers, folx with anatomical angst, or anyone who's stressed about the thought of doing their business outside.

The Mind Is In The Body
6 illustrated mindfulness visualizations for processing and releasing your unwanted vibes or Overwhelming Feelings (TM). A 2020 coping zine. *sobs in brushpen*

Hammock Camping: I LOVE IT
Why doesn't your butt get cold? How do you achieve the perfect sag? WHY ARE THERE SO MANY BITS? A superspeed primer to the weird, wonderful, and confusing world of 3-season hammock camping, from which many have never (voluntarily) turned back.

Care and Feeding of your Sourdough Starter
Tame the beast of wild yeast and embark boldly into the sourdough realms!

Direct & Intentional Communication Workbook
A pocket-sized workbook for understanding and communicating your wants and needs, which is often trickier than it sounds.

Curious & Whimsical Invitations For All Occasions: How To Convince Your Friends To Attend Anything
An epistolary of strangely eldritch yet compelling email invitations to friends, sprinkled with proven tips about how to convince people to show up to anything.

The Hidden Labor of Building an Ergonomic Workshop
A visual speed-guide to the hidden difficulties of building a workshop that works for many different learning styles, and tips on how to make your workshops more ergonomic and effective.

Rope dart construction guide
My comprehensive guide to budget DIYing or choosing a rope dart that fits your body and movement style. I've tried and analyzed pretty much every leash material out there.

Delayed-Fermentation Bread: for lazy lovers of rustic breads
Eaten fresh ten minutes from the oven, the crust is crisp and golden brown and rounded from the dough’s surface tension, the crumb soft and holey. There are hints both of savory-sour from the yeast fermentation and savory-sweet from the sugars released from the carbohydrates and transformed by the Maillard reaction and by caramelization. It is simply bread.

Distraction Microanthology Vol. I
A smorgasboard of distracting micro deep-dives; a network of tantalizingly brief gateways to things you didn't know you needed to know.